
Back to blogging :)

Here I am.  I thought it was time that I get back to blogging.  I’ve missed it.  I stopped blogging because it began to feel like another thing I had to do and that’s never good.   A lot of my creative energy had been depleted by an overwhelming and stressful work environment.   That has been resolved.   I found the courage to resolve it.  I’ll be blogging about that in the future.  Maybe my experiences and revelations can help someone else.    I then spent the next several months reclaiming my soul and enjoying life. I’m looking forward to sharing my adventures over the next few weeks and months.   I’m excited about the Fall, my favorite season, and closing out the last quarter of the year. Cheers!

Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile. - William Cullen Bryant

Reclaiming my soul - May 2012, Tybee Island, GA. 


  1. Welcome back! You're looking great!


    1. Thanks Teresa, you are such a faithful friend. :)
