
Just Keep on Moving

Over the years I've visited a number of writing groups.  It's interesting how different each group is structured.  For the most part, it reflects the organizer or leader.  Probably the best way to be a part of a writing group that has almost everything you want would be to create your own.  That never crossed my mind.  Having led a number of groups and projects, I know what it takes to keep a group going and then growing.  At the same time, I think that you can get something from almost any writing group that you attend even if just to meet other people. 
Once I got settled in D.C., I decided it was time to start visiting writing groups again.  I checked out Meetup.com to find a group in the metro area.  I stumbled upon The Stuck Creative Meetup which meets in Alexandria, VA and Bethesda, MD.  I loved the name of the group so I was going to have to visit unless it was just too far away.  I'm pretty close to the Bethesda location and the Meetup is at 2pm once a month on a Saturday.  
I started visiting in July and haven't missed a meeting yet.   The group keeps me motivated to write.  I would describe the leader Gary as a therapist for creative types.  Most of our discussions have more to do with understanding our motivations to create and not to create instead of practical steps to complete our craft.  He has a blog The Stuck Creative which I've referenced and referred others to more than I've actually read.  I figure he's covering these topics in our Meetups.   
Going to the support...I mean...Meetup group reminds me that I am not alone in this struggle to become who I was intended to be.    Pursuing our passions is important to that self discovery.   Part of the frustration is that we don't have a road map nor do we know exactly how our story ends.  Together we talk about how hard it is to realize our dreams when our reality seems in opposition to who we are striving to become and where we want to be.  We also express our frustration with our shortcomings.  I know that I'm amazed at how I can fluctuate between believing that I can move a mountain and then not having faith the size of a mustard seed.   But each month, the Meetup group reminds me that all of this nebulousness really is ok.  Just keep on writing.  I don't have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday.  All I have is today.   All I have to do is keep going, keep moving and keep creating.   

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