
A New Year and a Goodbye :(

Happy New Year! 

As I have spent the last few months ushering in many new things such as a new job, a new place to live, a new city and a whole new way of life - I've discovered that it was time to let some things go.  It is time for me to say goodbye to Breakfast at Karen's.  I just have too much going on to maintain the blog in the manner that I would like.  I will continue to write at my own pace and pursue opportunities to share my work.  I may even blog again in the future but probably not in the near future.  :)

It's a new year and four beautiful seasons begin.  Isn't that a beautiful thought?  I stole it from an unopened set of New Year's cards (by American Greetings) that I discovered while unpacking.  Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!!!

Wishing you peace, love, blessings and all good things!  Karen